it was also in this period that rulers and the ruled diverged as the civilization evolved . 文明の進化に伴い、支配者と被支配者が分化したのもこの時期である。
becoming that of the ruling and the ruled , as opposed to actually , you know , the elected and the electorate . 被選挙人と選挙民の代わりに 支配者と被支配者に なってしまった
therefore , it is said that tato fumyo played the both roles of the ruled and the rulers , which means that they were the ruled for the kokuga , and they were the rulers for the general farmers . そのため、田堵負名は、国衙から見れば被支配者、一般百姓から見れば支配者という二面性を持っていたとされている。
therefore , it is said that tato fumyo played the both roles of the ruled and the rulers , which means that they were the ruled for the kokuga , and they were the rulers for the general farmers . そのため、田堵負名は、国衙から見れば被支配者、一般百姓から見れば支配者という二面性を持っていたとされている。
from the viewpoint of the ruling class , including territorial governors and manorial lords , they were part of the ruled class , while from the viewpoint of ordinary peasants , they were themselves rulers in village communities . 国司・荘園領主などの支配層から見れば、名主は支配される側、すなわち被支配者だったが、一般百姓らから見れば名主は現地における支配者だった。